The 30-minute thorough life cultivation session is an opportunity to change uncomfortable situations and problems into possible solutions.
Before the call, you will be provided with a form that you will submit prior to the call.
During the call, we will review your prefilled form that you submitted so that I may ask for clarification and have a deeper understanding of exactly what it is that you would like to achieve.
Based on the consultation, MomQus Essentials will then create a 3-5 maintenance life cultivation layout that may be conducive to your current lifestyle regimes.
This may or may not include eating according to your blood type and physical anatomy, physical and mentally stimulating daily or weekly activities, simple lifestyle enhancements, and much more
Consumers/customers will be advised to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if they seek medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.
MomQus Essentials and Staff are not medical licensed physicians; the content provided is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered professional medical advice.
MomQus Essentials and Staff are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information and products on the site.